

Students who complete the minor requirements for the Middle Eastern studies (MES) program will develop an understanding of the politics, 历史, religions of the Middle East.


20 semester hours (sh) of courses:

  • Required core courses (16 sh) — MES 2720; BTS 2700 or MES 2710; HIST 3320; POGO 3370
  • Elective course (4 sh) selected from the following — ARAB 1010 or 1020; CTS 3400; HIST 3310; POGO 2200, 2300, or 3390


Click on the links below for course descriptions of all Middle Eastern studies courses.

你应该咨询 biblical and 神学 studies, 历史, 政治与政府 pages for course descriptions for the interdisciplinary requirements of this program.

For a complete list of all North Park’s 项目 and course offerings, review the 学术目录.

The course will examine in depth the origins of 伊斯兰教, 犹太教, Christianity in their respective Middle Eastern contexts. Various sects and denominations within each religion will be studied, noting 神学 and political differences. Special attention will be given to contemporary political dynamics and manifestations of each religion in the Middle East and North America. Students will have first-hand encounters with local Muslim, 犹太人, Christian leaders and observe how their respective faith communities are adapting to western secular culture. 神学强调.

The course will be a multi-disciplinary survey of Palestinian Christianity from the time of Jesus until the year 2000. Each major period will be studied in terms of the political, 历史, 神学, interreligious context of Palestine. Emphasis will be placed on the origins and diversity of early Palestinian Christianity, the initial tension with 犹太教, 罗马人占领, 拜占庭基督教, 伊斯兰教, 十字军东征, Palestine under the Ottoman Empire, the rose of Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 英国托管, the decline of Christianity in contemporary Israel and the Palestinian territories. Students will also be required to complete 12 hours of service learning in a religious or human rights institution related to the issues studies in class.

An intensive examination of a selected theme.

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